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Auscultation Trainer and SmartScope, Various conditions can be selected by wireless remote control., Each



Allows training of auscultation of various heart and lung sounds as in real patientRemote control working range is 30mStudent has to identified correct auscultation sites by palpatingHeart and lung sounds can be heard by using special StethoscopePossess six heart sites and two lung sites on anterior and 16 lung sites on posteriorOne remote control can operate multiple sets of SmartScopes (W44120) and manikins (W44121) simultaneously so that helps in group instructionSounds can be auscultated are:Heart sounds:Heart sounds: Normal, Aortic regurgitation, Pulmonary stenosis, Mitral stenosis, Holosystolic, Mid-systolic, S3 Gallop, S4 Gallop, Systolic click, Atrial septal defect, PDA, VSDLung sounds: Normal tracheal, Normal vesicular, Wheezes, Mono wheeze, Fine crackle, Coarse crackle, Ronchi crackle, Stridor, Cavernous, Bronchovesicular, Bronchial, Pulmonary edema, Infant, Friction rub, Egophony, Pectoriloquy

Additional Information

SKU 10253325
UOM Each
UNSPSC 60100000
Manufacturer Part Number W44119