$ 1,169.63
Separate highly hydrophilic molecules by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography using Thermo Scientific™ Acclaim™ HILIC-10 LC Columns. These columns retain and separate highly polar molecules that are unretained by reversed-phase chromatography. Their high-purity, spherical, porous silica base is covalently modified with a proprietary hydrophilic layer. This chemistry enables the use of 5–20% aqueous mobile phase while maintaining affinity for polar analytes. Sample throughput is increased without the need to evaporate and reconstitute samples dissolved in nonaqueous solvents.Rugged and Reproducible Separations of Highly Polar Compounds:Unique selectivity, complementary to reversed-phase columnsEnhanced sensitivity for MS detectionHydrolytically stableRugged column packingBroad application range, including separation of hydrophilic drugs and drug metabolitesAcclaim HILIC-10 LC columns are available in 3μm particle size and a variety of column formats: 4.6×150mm, for high-throughput routine analysis; 3.0×150mm, for high-throughput analysis with reduced solvent consumption; and 2.1×150mm, for LC-MS analysis.