$ 268.38
The 104 clone has been reported to react with CD45 (Leukocyte Common Antigen) on all leukocytes of most mouse strains (eg, A, AKR, BALB/c, CBA/Ca, CBA/J, C3H/He, C57BL, C57BR, C57L, C58, DBA/1, DBA/2, NZB, SWR, 129). This alloantigen was originally named Ly-5.1, and this was the designation at the time that the antibody was characterized. The designation was later changed from Ly-5.1 to Ly-5.2 to conform with the convention that the .2 alloantigen designations be assigned to the C57BL/6 strain. mAb 104 has been reported not to react with leukocytes of the mouse strains expressing the CD45.1 alloantigen (eg, RIII, SJL/J, STS/A, and DA). CD45 is a member of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (PTP) family: its intracellular (COOH-terminal) region contains two PTP catalytic domains, and the extracellular region is highly variable due to alternative splicing of exons 4, 5, and 6 (designated A, B, and C, respectively), plus differing levels of glycosylation. The CD45 isoforms detected in the mouse are cell type-, maturation-, and activation state-specific. The CD45 isoforms play complex roles in T-cell and B-cell antigen receptor signal transduction. The 104 antibody has been reported to inhibit some responses of B cells, from mice expressing the CD45.2 alloantigen, to certain antigens and LPS. In addition, reduction of serum IgG levels and amelioration of autoimmune renal pathology were reported in mAb 104-treated systemic lupus erythematosus-prone mice. The antibody is conjugated to BD Horizon™ V500, which has been developed for use in multicolor flow cytometry experiments and is available exclusively from BD Biosciences. It is excited by the Violet laser with an Ex max of 415nm and Em Max at 500 nm. BD Horizon V500 conjugates emit at a similar wavelength to Amcyan yet exhibit reduced spillover into the FITC channel. When compensating dyes in this spectral range (such as Horizon™ V500 and AmCyan), the most accurate compensation can be obtained using single stained cellular controls. Due to spectral differences between cells and beadsin this channel, using BD CompBeads can result in spillover errors for V500 and AmCyan reagents.Therefore, the use of BD CompBeads or BD CompBeads Plus to determine spillover values for these reagents is not recommended.Different V500 reagents (e.g. CD4 vs. CD45) can have slightly different fluorescence spillover therefore, it may also be necessary to use clone specific compensation controls when using these reagents.