$ 145.80
The 16A antibody reacts with an exon B-dependent epitope of CD45 lycoprotein, which is found at high density on peripheral B cells, T cytotoxic/suppressor cells,subset of T helper cells, and most thymocytes and at low density on macrophages and dendritic cells.The level of CD45RB expressionappears to decrease as T lymphocytes progress from naive to memory cells. In addition, subpopulations of CD4 T cells which express high and low levels ofD45RB have differentytokine secretion profiles and mediate distinct immunological functions. CD25 D4 regulatory T (Treg) lymphocytes which control intestinal inflammation and autoimmunity express low levels ofD45RB. CD45 is a member of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (PTP) family: Its intracellular (COOH-terminal) region contains two PTP catalytic domains, and the extracellular region is highly variable due to alternative splicing of exons (designated A, B, and C, respectively), plus differing levels of glycosylation. The CD45 isoforms detected in the mouse are cell type-, maturation-, and activation state-specific. The CD45 isoforms play complex roles in T-cell and B-cell antigen receptor signal transduction.