$ 112.08
All the food in the world is of no use if the human body does not have the ability to extract necessary nutrients from itWith this activity, students expose three nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) to different digestive enzymesThese samples tested against nutrients to which no enzymes are added to determine if the enzymes were effective in digesting the compoundsUpon completion, students understand the importance of the digestive system and the vital role enzymes play in releasing nutrients from food and converting them to a form usable by the bodyContains enough materials for 15 groups.Kit Includes:Pancreatin (Powder, 5 g)Bile Salts (Powder, 0.25 g)Albumin Egg (Powder, 2.5 g)Soluble Starch (2.5 g)Pepsin 1:10,000 (1 g)Amylase Bacteriological Powder (25 g)0.1M Sodium hydroxide (25 mL)0.1M Hydrochloric acid (25 mL)Biuret for protein test (25 mL)1% Phenolphthalein (25 mL)Dilute lugols solution (25 mL)Pure Olive Oil (25 mL)10 Plastic PipetsComplianceDOT: Small quantity exemption 173.3. Package conforms to 49CFR 173.4.