$ 764.10
ErbB2 (Neu or Her-2) is a member of the erbB family of growth factor receptors. These factors possess constitutive tyrosine kinase activity and are commonly overexpressed in breast and ovarian carcinomas. While other erbB family members' ligands, such a EGF and NDF, are well characterized, a natural ligand for erbB2 remains unknown. ErbB2 forms heterodimers with erbB1/EGFR, erbB3, and erbB4, and can modulate their ligand affinities. Thus, erbB2 alters the intracellular responses elicited by EGF and NDF. This control is due to the fact that erbB2, when in complex with another erbB family receptor, decelerates the rate of ligand dissociation. Therefore, erbB2 may act as a signaling subunit for other receptors rather than a true growth factor receptor. Due to high sequence homology, this antibody may cross-react with the 180 kDa EGFR.