$ 626.57
Specifications Each impact-resistant 4.5mL tube contains garnet matrix and 2 (two) 1/4 inch ceramic sphere.Applications Lysing Matrix A is designed to lyse, grind, homogenize tough and resistant samples.Application AreasNucleic Acid Isolation & PurificationInstrument CompatibilityFastPrep-24; FastPrep-96Adapter CompatibilityTallPrep (24x4.5 mL); TallFlex (48x4.5 mL); ConeFlex Legacy (allows all FP24 adapters on FP96)Material of ConstructionMatrix A, contains garnet matrix and two (2) 1/4 inch ceramic spheresSample TypeSkeletal Muscle; Lung; Heart; Bone; Seeds; Bacteria (Gram /-); Yeast; Fungi; Spores; Plants; Fixed Samples; Food; Roots; |Animal TissueTube Compatibility4.5 mLMatrix TypeAAverage SizeZirconium sphere, 6.35 mm; Garnet Flakes, 0.56 - 0.7 mmHardnessZirconium sphere, Rockwell A 80-84, Vickers 1050; Garnet Flakes, Mohs 7.5-8Molecule EnrichedDNASpecific GravityZirconium sphere, 5.5 - 6.1; Garnet Flakes, 4.0 - 4.1PresentationZirconium sphere, Banded Satellite; Garnet Flakes, Block, Sharp angular grains, Sub-angular to sub-roundedStorage & HandlingStore at Room Temperature (15-30°C)CertificationsDNase and RNase Free