$ 356.40
Maturation and post translational modification of proteins occurs after their biosynthesis at the endoplasmic reticulum and their transport through the Golgi apparatus. The process involves the transport of vesicles carrying the proteins through a vectorial process of vesicle budding and fusion from the cis-compartment to the medial-compartment and the trans-compartment of the Golgi apparatus. p115 is a 959 amino acid protein located at the Golgi apparatus that, with the NEM-sensitive fusion protein and the soluble NSF attachment protein (SNAP), is required for vesicle transport from the cis-compartment to the medial-compartment. p115 protein is related to the yeast Uso1p essential for the vesicular transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi. Native p115 appears to be a homo-oligomer, with two globular heads and a tail that resemble the overall structure of myosin. p115 is extracted from the Golgi apparatus with high salt or high pH, indicative of a membrane associated protein. p115 interacts with the golgi matrix protein GM130 but this interaction is disrupted by the Golgi fragmentation during mitosis and the phosphorylation of GM130.Immunofluorescence, Western Blotting