$ 25,137.00
Utilizing a unique rotating sample cell and a precise microprocessor-based thermometer, the Parr 6755 Solution Calorimeter provides a moderately priced and easily operated instrument for measuring heats of reactions, mixing, solution, dilution and wetting. Measurements are made at ambient temperature and at atmospheric pressure in either liquid-liquid or liquid-solid systems covering energy changes ranging from 2 to 1000 calories.Easy to operateMenu-driven touch screen displayReal-time plotting on LCD screenOutputs provided for printer, computer or LAN connectionCompensated jacket and Dewar flask bucketIncludes 6755 calorimetric thermometerThis product(s) resides on a Fisher Scientific GSA or VA contract. If you are viewing this page as a nonregistered user, the price(s) displayed is List Price. To view your GSA or VA contract pricing, log in using your account number, or become a registered user by contacting one of our Customer Service teams. You can also view your contract price by searching for this item(s) on GSA Advantage. To place an order, contact Fisher Scientific Customer Service.