$ 172.61
These specimen slides represent the common protozoa.Includes:SarcodinaAmoeba proteus, w.m.Pelornyxa carolinensis, w.m. of giant multinucleate amoebaEntamoeba histolytic, trophozoites, smear; parasite causing amoebic dysentery in humansEntamoeba histolytica, cysts, smear; each cyst contains 1-8 nucleiForaminifera, shells of various species, w.m.MastigophoraTrypanosoma gambiense, blood smear; parasite causing African sleeping sickness in manEuglenaCiliataCiliates of cow stomach, w.m.; several species of extremely complex ciliates which live as commensals in stomach of cowDidimium, w.m. preys exclusively on ParameciumParamecium caudatum, Fission, w.m.Stentor, w.m.; very large trumpet-shaped ciliate with beaded nucleusVorticella, w.m.; bell-shape, stalked ciliateSporozoaHemogregarina, smear of frog blood, in which many red cells have been invaded by this parasiteMonocystis, in section of earthworm seminal vesicle